Understanding the TB Miasm in relation to Natural Nutrition..
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The miasms (disease taints) can be seen as a kind of "map" as to where a being is in the overall health picture. Each of the miasms manifest certain diseases according to the level of toxicity in the body. In the tubercular miasm we find much internalized mucous and an inability to put calcium in the right place. For mucous loading to occur, dehydration would be one of the main factors involved. In relation to Traditional Chinese Medicine the TB-Miasm can be linked to an imbalance in the Metal Element.
The TB-Miasm.
The tubercular miasm is made up of two miasms namely the sycotic or gonorrheal miasm and the syphilitic miasm, this is when the body will be overproducing mucous because of high toxicity caused by various factors. These factors could include an inherited toxic load, unhealthy environment and inappropriate diet and would certainly include dehydration. More mucous leads to more "cut-off" cells and more dehydration, which leads to more dis-ease, each time on a deeper level as cells become less able to communicate with each other and their environment. The ideal day-night picture of Na, Ca and fats entering the cells during the day and then being displaced by Mg and K at night, gets disturbed by the increased levels of toxicity and dehydration. If the body is on dehydration alert it will produce cholesterol to help itself, the cholesterol is mixed with the fats (fats you have eaten) and as the Na, Ca and fats move towards and into the cell, the cell membrane will become coated with the cholesterol mixture. Cholesterol coating the cell membrane makes it difficult for nutrients eg. Ca to exit the cell and this Ca then becomes deposited in the cell and the cell becomes more "cut-off". Calciums natural place is outside of the cell and this displacement of calcium, when reaching toxic levels can lead to diseases such as arthritis and bowel problems, which are characteristic of the physical level of the TB-Miasm. When the mucous load becomes blocked and so more internalized and extreme calcium displacement starts to take place because of and increased toxic environment and/or diet as well as extreme dehydration then the body enters a destructive phase. The cells are so "cut-off" that the body becomes destructive in an attempt to clean itself any way it can. The destructive "phase" is seen as being characteristic of the syphilitic miasm. Because the body has failed to rid itself of the mucous load and has a high level of "cut-off" cells, cells which aren't communicating with the body as they should be, the being starts to be "dissasociated" with the physical body and disease starts to form on a Mental/Emotional level. This is towards the more extreme manifestations of the tubercular taint and one can see diseases like addictions or manic depression presenting. To manifest a full Tubercular picture both the gonorrhoeal and syphilitic miasms need to be present. Either one can "come through" as an inherited taint or in some cases both can be manifest in the parents, then we see a full tubercular picture in the new generation. One might find a child whose parents both showed Syphilitic and Gonorrhoeal miasms, for example where they have syphilis or gonorrhea in their family history, so inheriting the taint themselves. If they then merely build upon this toxic load they risk passing on a full TB-Miasm inherited picture to their child.
Linking the TB-Miasm to the Metal Element.
The TB-Miasm can be linked to a Metal Element imbalance through the following: TB manifests in the lungs which are one of the organs governed by the Metal Element (asthma is also indicated in the TB-Miasm picture). The Metal Element also rules the Large Intestine or colon. It is the Large Intestine which sends the dehydration message, which starts the whole toxic picture for the body, to the brain. The Metal Element is also related to skin and one can see this manifesting in diseases such as eczema, which requires a high toxic load, high acidity and a very disturbed calcium picture as well as severe dehydration to manifest, and is a disease characteristic of the physical manifestations of the TB-Miasm. The Metal Element also governs the capacity to cough (or expel unwanted things) and TB itself is a very persistent cough (the bodys attempt to expel the unwanted mucous in the lungs and so lighten the toxic load). The disease TB also acts as a cleanse for the body by creating inflammation (inflammation is an attempt at cleansing the body and its tisssues of toxins and excess mucous). If this TB then gets suppressed and not treated in a cleansing manner one can find a move into the Carcinosin (Cancer) Miasm which is indicative of a much higher toxic load where the body is no longer capable of moving the toxic load or producing mucous. It is however possible to move into the Cancer Miasm from any stage of the TB-Miasm. The Cancer Miasm is indicative of the Water Element (which rules fear, lack of movement) and an imbalanced Metal Element (TB-Miasm) often leads to an imbalanced Water Element, as the Metal Element "promotes" the Water Element, just as the TB-Miasm "promotes" the Carcinosin Miasm.
The TB-Miasm and Hering's Law of Cure.
One can also "connect" Hering's Law of Cure and the TB -Miasm. Hering's Law of Cure states: " Healing starts from the top, the head, to the bottom, from the inside to the outside, from the major organs to the minor organs and in reverse order in which they presented". If looking at someone with a tubercular miasmic picture eg. someone with anorexia, (mental/emotional level of TB- Miasm, head(top) problem ) who then because of a cleansing and lightening of the mucous load, travels back in the TB -Miasm and manifests bowel problems (physical level of the TB -Miasm (bottom and inside) problem) and later eczema (physical level of the TB -Miasm, skin (outside) problem) then one can see the progression of cure quite clearly according to Hering's Law. For cure to progress in the right direction gentle cleansing would have to take place on each different level of the whole being, as that level became available, until eventually the excess mucous load had been shifted and eliminated, the calcium "pattern" (day-night shift) had been normalized and proper hydration and neutral pH had been re-established, with the being as close to being in full self-communication on all levels as possible.
The TB -Miasm and Diet.
The TB -Miasm can also be related to diet in the sense that in order to attain a state of extreme dehydration, calcium displacement, high levels of acidity and internalized mucous, the body needs to be in a state where it is not recieving the right messages. One of these messages is the dehydration message, which is sent by the colon. If one is eating dehyrating foods such as wheat and pork regularly, this will send a dehydration message to the body which will further escalate the toxic picture and mucous production, which eventually leads one to the TB -Miasmic picture. Not consuming enough pure water will also contribute to this dehydration alert. More hydrating foods to eat would be short-grain brown rice with pulses or sprouts and an adequate ( 4 pints daily) intake of clean water.
I see the TB -Miasm as the "middle step" between the Psoric and Carcinosin Miasms, it is in a sense a warning stage (and attempt at cleaning the toxic load) before the being reaches such levels of toxicity that it cannot shift the toxic load and manifests a Carcinosin Miasmic picture. The TB -Miasm also provides a way of tracing cure, along with using Hering's Law of Cure. I feel that the TB -Miasm gives the practitioner of Natural Nutrition one more way of forming a "whole" or more complete picture of a beings overall presenting health picture and how they might have reached that point (inherited miasm can be found in the family history).