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Kefir health benefits are numerous, which can be mainly attributed to the large number of beneficial microorganisms found in kefir grains. These beneficial microorganisms can play a vital role in improving general health and wellbeing of an individual, by promoting digestive health. Kefir can also provide some important vitamins and amino acids. A few of the most important health benefits of kefir are:

Hits: 4556

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This article written by Lela was first published in the November 2008 issue of Rennaissance magazine, South Africa. Please see the relaunch issue in stores March 2009.

Prevention of Osteoporosis using our diet.

Osteoporosis is characterized by a deterioration of bones, resulting from the body’s attempt to extract nutrients from them and is a very real problem for many people, especially women, even in the medically advanced environment of today. The good news is that, with a little thought and information it can be easily prevented.
Lets take a look at the minerals which play the main roles in bone health:

Tagged in: diet osteoperosis
Hits: 6410
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An edited version of this article written by Lela was published in issue 45 of The South African Journal of Natural Medicine, available in stores nationwide on a monthly basis or on:

Balancing blood sugar through diet.

When I was a child and was having a tantrum about something, the first thing my mother would ask was, ‘Have you eaten?’. At the time I couldn’t understand why this was important and as a teenager I was convinced she was encouraging an unhealthy emotional relationship with food but now, as so often happens in hindsight, it seems that my mother, was right.
I have since discovered that I have a family tendency to hypoglycaemia, also known as low blood sugar and thus I have to be very conscious of keeping my blood sugar levels stable as this can often be a precursor to adult onset diabetes. As a result I have tried and tested various ways of eating until I found what works for me. Even if you are not hypoglycaemic, balancing your blood sugar through diet is a great way to keep your mood and energy levels up and your weight down.

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This article written by Lela was published in issue 46 of The South African Journal of Natural Medicine, available in stores nationwide and on:


Are you familiar with the mid-morning blues? That feeling that even after eight hours of sleep you could have used at least another two? You may be deficient in magnesium.

Along with sodium, potassium and calcium, magnesium is one of the four macrominerals, essential to all life. A study in the 1960s by American physician Dr Palma Formica tested the effects of magnesium and potassium supplements on 100 people suffering from fatigue. The study included 84 women and 16 men, all of whom were given extra magnesium and potassium for five to six weeks. The findings were astounding: 87 of the volunteers improved, even those who had been suffering from fatigue for more than two years. The subjects became cheerful, alert and energetic, and some even recorded getting by on six hours’ sleep a night when they had struggled to feel rested on twelve hours’ sleep before they started taking the supplements.1

Magnesium is thought to combat fatigue because it helps release energy in the body. It also plays a role in the production of melatonin, which helps to regulate sleep; this production is disturbed when levels of magnesium are insufficient. As well as being helpful in treating fatigue and insomnia, magnesium plays a role in preventing and treating a host of other common ailments from the premenstrual syndrome (PMS) to heart problems.

Hits: 6045

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avocado-vitamin-e-lgAn edited version of this article written by Lela was published in issue 47 of The South African Journal of Natural Medicine, available in stores nationwide and on:


Benefits of Vitamin E.


Every few years scientists and researchers around the world proclaim a new miracle product. Dis- eases from dry skin to diabetes are prevented or eased and all by a natural substance, with little or no side – effects. Sound too good to be true? Maybe, but in the case of Vitamin E, maybe not.


Vitamin E, also known as tocopherol, was first discovered in 1922 and was initially known as the ‘antisterility’ vitamin. Since then it has become widely accepted as an essential vitamin and is used in the treatment and /or prevention of many common ailments.

Hits: 5874