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Understanding Hering's Law of Cure.

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Hering's Law of Cure states that: "Healing starts from the top, the head, to the bottom, from the inside to the outside, from the major organs to the minor organs, and in reverse order in which they presented."

This can be broken down as follows:

"from the top, the head, to the bottom..."

As healing progresses one will see evidence of this moving from the top of the body to the bottom, e.g. One might experience headaches, then back problems and later athlete's foot during the progression of a cure. This also illustrates that healing moves from the mental to the physical. Energetically, the crown chakra, the chakra representative of ones wisdom and spiritual connectedness is situated at the top of the body, the head, while the base (root) chakra, the chakra representing how at home one feels in ones physical body and how grounded and secure one feels, is situated lower down the body. This also illustrates how healing (cure) would progress from a mental to a physical level. Healing needs to travel down the body through the heart chakra, thus mental healing, then emotional healing and then physical healing is taking place.


"from the inside to the outside..."

Healing moves from inner healing to outer healing. Physically one might find stomach (digestive) problems heal before an apparent allergy which shows itself in skin eruptions or inflamation. Here also, one can see healing moving from mental through the emotional to the physical. A thought pattern (inside) needs to heal, then a feeling (inside) which is part of ones emotions and the physical manifestations of those thoughts and emotions can heal. Thus again from inner healing to outer healing.


"from the major organs to the minor organs..."

According to Chinese medicine, the organs are associated with emotions. Healing taking place physically in the organs will be associated with the healing of certain emotions, again a move from inside to outside. Major organs to minor organs, healing takes place first in those organs, which are responsible for the main processing functions of the body, such as the kidneys and the heart and then in the minor organs, such as the bladder. An example of the progression of cure from major to minor organs could be kidney problems, then bladder infection, then cystitis and burny urine and finallly cure. Be aware that there are emotions involved with this as well.


"in reverse order in which they presented..."

To take again the example of kidney problems, these would perhaps first show as burny urine, which if ignored could turn to cystitis, which could turn to bladder infection and later kidney problems. This would be the progression of dis-ease. The progression of cure would be in reverse order to that, according to Hering's Law. In other words, the symptoms which appeared first would heal last and the symptoms which appeared last would heal first. First the kidney problems would lessen, then the bladder infection would show again, later the cystitis and burny urine and eventually one would have cure. Once again emotions would also play a role.


Hering's Law is a tool with which to plot the progression of a cure and to gage whether movement is taking place and if so, if that movement is in a beneficial direction.

